Chart Maker
Create and customize interactive charts for your data visualization needs
Pie Chart
Display proportional data as slices of a circle
Donut Chart
A pie chart with a hole in the center for additional information
Bar Chart
Compare values across categories using rectangular bars
Line Chart
Show trends and changes in data over continuous intervals
Area Chart
Visualize cumulative totals across a time series
Radar Chart
Compare multiple variables on a two-dimensional plane
Radial Bar Chart
Display progress or completion metrics in circular format
TreeMap Chart
Show hierarchical data as nested rectangles
About Chart Maker
Chart Maker is a versatile tool designed to help you create professional, interactive charts for data visualization. Whether you're preparing a business presentation, academic report, or analyzing data trends, our tool provides the perfect chart for your needs.
Select any chart type above to begin customizing your visualization. You can adjust colors, labels, and data points, then download your finished chart as an image.