Pie Chart

Description of the pie chart goes here.

Chart Settings

Value Display Mode

Test Data

When do you use pie charts?

  • Pie charts are used to represent the percentage of the whole.
  • An example is an attitude survey.
  • It is effective when you want to pay attention to the proportion rather than the quantity.

Benefits of pie charts

  • When you want to pay more attention to proportion than quantity
  • When comparing items with a small number of items

Disadvantages of pie charts

  • When expressing quantity
  • When the number of items is large
  • When comparing the size

Pie chart overview

  • A pie chart refers to a graph in which a round figure is divided into sectors to show some composition ratio.
  • Pie charts are used in business and mass media as the most common graph representation method.
  • Statologists often recommend not using pie charts.
  • A pie chart is suitable for items with a small amount of information, as the area of each sector can be easily compared.